By Steve Sacco Newark, N.J. They say it takes a village, but at one Newark, New Jersey School they know it takes a school. First Avenue School that is, where they are bringing their peace artwork to life in preparation for the Dalai Lama visit. The school has been transformed with peace signs, mandalas and students very own creative pieces portraying peace and unity.
So, I thought it was the perfect time to sit down with the School’s Art teacher, Ms. Marisol Caraballo
who worked tirelessly on helping craft and perfect the theme of unity and peace with her students.
Q: Ms. Caraballo, what is the aesthetic aim of the students artwork?
A: The Aesthetic aim of the students World Peace Project is to create an understanding of the message that the Dalai Lama is bringing to the city of Newark. We want students to embrace and own a feeling of
Unity and Peace.
Q: Do you feel that artwork can help capture the essence of what the Dalai Lama’s message of Peace will about?
A: I absolutely feel that the artwork captures the essence of his Holiness’s message.
Students went above and beyond to reach and incorporate a multitude of symbolic images that culminate the message of Peace.
Q:It seems like the students spent endless hours creating their own masterpieces of Peace artwork, just how much time was spent?
A: Well most students began their peace posters in art class a couple of weeks prior to spring break. The students then completed their projects at home with the support of parents and family members over the spring break.
Q: What is it that you want the students to take with them from this special artwork theme?
A: The main values I want the students of First Avenue School to take with them from the theme of World Peace is a sense of Cultural Enlightenment, a feeling of inner tranquility and peace and unity toward themselves and each other.
Q: One Special piece obviously is the altar that was built and decorated and comes with a message?
What is that message?
A: The message is cultural enlightenment into the belief system that the Tibetan culture encompasses an understanding of beauty, balance and a great, positive flow of energy.
Q: First Avenue School has done some really extravagant pieces of artwork through the years and the school has become an open gallery or art exhibit at times where students display their work. Where do you rate this one?
A: Well I work hard on giving student insight into the lives and artistic styles of many artists. We become immersed in their story which allows the students the ability to produce such great reflective and strong pieces that emulate those artistic styles. Some of the many artist we study are Frida Kahlo, Gergia O’ Keeffe, Wassily Kandinsky.
There you have it First Avenue School is certainly making an impression on the minds of many with their artwork about Peace and Unity that may in fact help transform the city to unite with acts of kindness, respect and caring for one another. Perhaps the Dalai Lama will be moved and touched by their work and may want to pay a visit to the school or may be their Karma they are sending out that helps bring him in.