How did you get started in bodybuilding?
Well I was very skinny when I was kid and I wasn't looking good in my clothes and my friends my they would be making fun of me so that motivate me to start! "laughing"
Who is your role model?
Well I don't have any role models from bodybuilding my mother was and is! When watching Sparta I wanted to look like one of those guys.
Tell me what exercise gets gives your stomach a 12 pack?
I would say the best exercise for the six pack is cardio and dieting.
What supplements do you use?
Supplement I only take amino acid protein and I eat a lot of food is the key! yOU have to eat a lot of food, good food, good quality you have to measure your food!
What is your best body part ?

My best body part is my shoulders and back.
Tell me 3 interesting facts about you?
I can't miss my workout
2 it's kind of interesting when I go to the gym people trying to start talking to me ask me questions
3 is my dieting like I never come off it
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